Uzengwey Chapter 6: AngEngIng how he attacks and kills

Uzengwey Chapter 6: AngEngIng how he attacks and kills
Post by: MNM1O1 - August 27th, 2015, 12:05:21 pm

-=-=-=-=-=What AngEngIng looks like=-=-=-=-=-

AngEngIng is a giant reptile dinosaur like creature that has a head like a T rex, it has no eyes and the texture of its skin is like the texture of guts and vital organs, why he looks like this is because he has no scales, he stands on four legs and is the size of 5 elaphents stacked on top of each other.

-=-=-=-=-=How AngEngIng attacks=-=-=-=-=-

He usually just stays in a giant gorge (That appears once you start the Uzengwey curse) he just sleeps in there, however you must feed him by throwing giant chunks of meat into the gorge (there will be a pile next to the gorge) if you dont and he gets hungry to the point of starving he will blame you, he will leave his gorge and roar almost enough to deaf you, and then the chase begins, there is no way at all to stop him, which is why you must feed him.

-=-=-=-=-=How AngEngIng kills=-=-=-=-=-

He will be on a rampage destroying anything in his path to get to you, corpses will fall from his mouth when he opens it to eat you, say your prayers you didnt feed the beast.

-=-=-=-=-=Authors Notes=-=-=-=-=-

I make no promises for when I post these, also this chapter was interesting to make, now no one could just sit in a corner to not die, you cannot fool me I have it all figured out :P

1. Swuup
2. Shog
3. Burdie
4. Painting
5. Clouds Shadow

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