500th post!!!

Re: 500th post!!!
Post by: TonksMoonwillow - July 26th, 2015, 1:44:48 am

[quote author=patman96 link=topic=4056.msg21298#msg21298 date=1437850831]
[quote author=Amber1McD link=topic=4056.msg21293#msg21293 date=1437850521]
[quote author=patman96 link=topic=4056.msg21252#msg21252 date=1437838371]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=4056.msg21250#msg21250 date=1437838309]
Umm youre at 400 posts now xD
lol he was at 500 but akira removed all his spam posts and muted him for a week

So whats counted for a spam post? does this count as a spam post?
Lol not quite since completely off topic posts dont count as a post. Spam posts are usually one worded posts or posts that dont contribute to the topic at all

Just to give some examples, just commenting things like:

- :)/ ;)/ :D/ ;D/ >:(/ :(/etc.

Basically anything one worded or if your comment has nothing to do with the original post, things that are not contributing to the conversation.

Here is an easy way to think of it, if you can read the conversation without your comment in it and it makes zero difference if it is there or not, it is probably a spam post.

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