
Post by: MNM1O1 - July 23rd, 2015, 5:19:34 pm

What is this you may ask? hehehe, Uzengwey is more then a monster, he is relization, the relizasion that night is peace and joy, the day time... Is death, as long as you are cursed by Uzengwey (his curse stays for 7 days) you will see illusions and real monsters lurk about, Uzengwey shows himself at day 3, here is a list of who comes when.

Day 1: burdie, angenging, and clouds shadow.

Day 2: eyfwea, sawgwendow, and shog.

Day 3: Uzengwey.

Day 4: Dangalang, and painting.

Day 5: Swuup

Day 6: Shadow Man

Day 7: Boan

They hunt you all 7 days, the night is the only peace, at day 8 Uzengwey will leave, and you will finaly be safe again, how do you summon this you may ask? stay up for 3 days, and stare at your window...

If the cursed were to say they are cursed or what these creatures look like they will die, however Uzengwey can be described at any moment.

Uzengwey is a humanoid figure always leening forward letting its long arms hang low, it has fur like a dear, ears liek a dear, long legs aswell, its face is a mask that is completely white and has 2 eye wholes, its eyes are endless black pits, it has long bloody nails and hooves like a dear. BEWARE OF THE LIGHT.

Authers note: I hope you enjoyed my game idea, it is a creepypasta for now sadly, if you want more details about everything in this game (or will be if I ever make it) then please tell me! I enjoy coming up with this and will give more details in a future post, for now Enjoy the night time.

Re: Uzengwey
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 23rd, 2015, 5:28:18 pm


Re: Uzengwey
Post by: MNM1O1 - July 23rd, 2015, 6:23:55 pm

[quote author=MNM1O1 link=topic=4024.msg20817#msg20817 date=1437686374]
What is this you may ask? hehehe, Uzengwey is more then a monster, he is relization, the relizasion that night is peace and joy, the day time... Is death, as long as you are cursed by Uzengwey (his curse stays for 7 days) you will see illusions and real monsters lurk about, Uzengwey shows himself at day 3, here is a list of who comes when.

Day 1: burdie, angenging, and clouds shadow.

Day 2: eyfwea, sawgwendow, and shog.

Day 3: Uzengwey.

Day 4: Dangalang, and painting.

Day 5: Swuup

Day 6: Shadow Man

Day 7: Boan

They hunt you all 7 days, the night is the only peace, at day 8 Uzengwey will leave, and you will finaly be safe again, how do you summon this you may ask? stay up for 3 days, and stare at your window...

If the cursed were to say they are cursed or what these creatures look like they will die, however Uzengwey can be described at any moment.

Uzengwey is a humanoid figure always leening forward letting its long arms hang low, it has fur like a dear, ears like a dear, long legs aswell, its face is a mask that is completely white and has 2 eye wholes, its eyes are endless black pits, it has long bloody nails and hooves like a dear. BEWARE OF THE LIGHT.

Authers note: I hope you enjoyed my game idea, it is a creepypasta for now sadly, if you want more details about everything in this game (or will be if I ever make it) then please tell me! I enjoy coming up with this and will give more details in a future post, for now Enjoy the night time.

There is now poll please tell me what you think of uzengwey! ^-^

Re: Uzengwey
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 23rd, 2015, 6:24:56 pm

Dont kill fire bad

Re: Uzengwey
Post by: Poptartsislove - July 24th, 2015, 1:09:42 pm

As a creepypasta maker and creator I think this is ok xP. But you could work on it. ^_^

Re: Uzengwey
Post by: Peppah - July 25th, 2015, 1:25:35 pm

Im scared now.

Re: Uzengwey
Post by: MNM1O1 - July 25th, 2015, 7:23:54 pm

Im surprised at all of the positive feedback, once the poll is over I will make a topic about how Uzengwey attacks and kills, and after that there will be polls on who to explain next, have a nice night! and I wish you luck for the daytime.

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