My school Play! |Year 6|

My school Play! |Year 6|
Post by: albanybrookexo - May 29th, 2015, 3:54:14 pm

Okay to start with... In my school at the end of primary school we do a school play! And Its my Classes turn!!!

We did the auditions on Wednesday and I felt I did bad, but I guess not! We found out our parts yestarday and....... I got one of the main Parts!!!!!!
Main Characters:
Key Master- Starts out as a supply teacher, then transforms quickly into a
quirky, eccentric character, very enthusiastic
Max-Interested, bright and sensible. often refers to his dad.
Samantha- Know-all, irritatingly smug.
Ben-Cheeky, impulsive. Pushes boundaries to the limits.
C-J-Not very bright, but warm, caring and eager to please.
Tom- Very Argumentative and interested
Sarah- Quite and kind, and logical

I got the Samantha Part I really like her character and I have 20 lines! I play Half the play and my friend plays the other half cause they need enough parts for everyone

The Play Is called The KeyMaster and Its about 6 children who hate history and that day there is a supply teacher, who turns into a key master with keys to different parts of history, then there are other people playing bits in history and the children go through all the different parts of history and theres lots of songs then at the end they go into the future and theres a song about how it is and i have a small solo and then singing with 5 other people!

I cant wait to Play it! If you want to listen to demos of the songs (not song by us, just demos) I have to do say the bit in the song Too Late " But Wait! Youve forgotten! we have the key!" and "Dont you see? we can go back and change things!" Then sing the chorus with 5 other people, so If you want to check out demos ive been listening to This is the link:

Give feedback please! I cant wait!


Re: My school Play! |Year 6|
Post by: KermitsBigToe - May 29th, 2015, 4:17:42 pm

Thats amazing Brooke, I am so glad you got a part you like! I actually did a play when I was in primary school as well, I never knew other schools did plays too!

I am absolutely terrible at singing ( although I was singing a song from a show that I watch literally all day lel ) but Im sure youll do it in no bother.

Be sure to tell us about it, and good luck to you and your classmates! :D

Re: My school Play! |Year 6|
Post by: Asheiou - May 30th, 2015, 8:39:05 am

Wow! Well done!
(So sad as well, good luck for high school)

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