Actual Wubs Karow

Re: Actual Wubs Karow
Post by: vvanqu1sh - May 26th, 2015, 5:03:55 pm

[quote author=Waterfa1133 link=topic=3083.msg15361#msg15361 date=1432673945]
[quote author=patman96 link=topic=3083.msg14993#msg14993 date=1432096895]
[quote author=ActualSpace link=topic=3083.msg14991#msg14991 date=1432093510]
[quote author=ActualSpace link=topic=3083.msg14965#msg14965 date=1432067621]
[quote author=patman96 link=topic=3083.msg14946#msg14946 date=1432008475]
[quote author=ActualSpace link=topic=3083.msg14944#msg14944 date=1432007294]
[quote author=patman96 link=topic=3083.msg14936#msg14936 date=1432006115]
How old are you actual if you dont mind me asking

Im 15.
Ok I was just curious cause karows 23

dangit xD oh well :c

Ill never get a GF. XDD I think ima just stay single for the rest of my life lol. ^-^
Lol dude i was about your age when I had my first gf. And shes the only gf I ever had XD

Ok, someone quote this, lets see how many quotes we can get!!!
[/quote]Well I just did but still, dont do that unless you actually have something to say as it will spam the forums.

By the way, I believe there was a post with like 20 or so quotes on 1 reply?

Re: Actual Wubs Karow
Post by: MashedBrotato_ - May 26th, 2015, 6:25:11 pm

OMG you like karow! :o

Re: Actual Wubs Karow
Post by: Solurnis - May 26th, 2015, 7:14:28 pm

;-; :( WAT

The fact that you kept all this evidence just to have proof that he liked karow.....

Re: Actual Wubs Karow
Post by: paintcr - June 3rd, 2015, 5:03:43 pm

Cool. I have been perma banned. ):

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