Biggest build in mc yet?

Biggest build in mc yet?
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 22nd, 2016, 7:22:01 pm

I found this map. All i have to say is it is freakin massive and i couldnt even get it all loaded at once with the highest render distance at once! Also, i recomend this to ppl like Juniornumbnut because it is a 1:1 size of a star destroyer. I am not sure if its completely the same, because i dont know that much about star wars but it is massive. In the map it said it was over 1.7 Million blocks. I do not want to know how long that took O-o

Biggest build in mc yet?
Post by: primadxnna - July 24th, 2016, 7:41:23 pm

WOW! It may not be the biggest build, but it's certainly one of the biggest.

Re:Biggest build in mc yet?
Post by: Dooplu - July 24th, 2016, 8:57:58 pm

Does it have detailed interiors?

Biggest build in mc yet?
Post by: Jerio - September 14th, 2016, 2:55:43 am

Fun fact, if the original ship was built by who I think it was, (elmo114), I knew the guy personally. He was the server owner on the old server I used to be part of. He held the record for the minecraft build with the most blocks and built ships like this frequently. He had different classes of ships and everything. We got along pretty well and he was a cool dude.

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