A Story

A Story
Post by: Kereo - September 27th, 2014, 7:42:10 pm

(This is for people who like roleplay like Sparkles or Dcraft)

One day there was a young boy named Kered he woke up to the world in an unknown area Like a forest or something he stood up and encountered a person he was not ready to fight but for some reason he walked to the stranger...

fortunatly he was peaceful "hi my name is kered" said Kered my name is chase said chase they both explored the area but they had encountered a creature...

It was a boned thing like a skeleton but holding a bow started fireing chase fled but kered stayed he felt some power in him to destroy the creature he started walking up o it slowly and slapped it to the ground like he was the man of steel...

thye continued there journey but chase stayed back from kered then out of nowwhere an arrow hit kered but he caught it Kered had no idea how he did then he accidentally snapped it in half...

a person came out of the trees holding a bow he had an extremely puzzled look on his face "how did you do that??" he said sounding frightend "lets see you get through this!" he yelled and struck but kered caught the diamond sword and he snapped it inhalf this time it wasnt an accident...

kered took of the strangers diamond helmet and it was a face that seemed farmiliar...

Kered told him to name himself but he refused kered started twisting his neck Waflecone! waflcone!! He screamed...

Kered realeased him he did not notice chase had ran for his dear life Kered was only trying to make friends...

later Kered had asked waflcone to lead him to a world with civilization so waflcone took him...

finally they were in a place with some people to do things with people looked at Kered in fear because he had taken an outerhaven mamber to be a slave...

What? Kered asked Everyone told him about outerhaven and he was happy because he felt like a god...

Part 2 coming soon...

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