Blood: chapter 3

Blood: chapter 3
Post by: StativeSpencer - December 26th, 2015, 5:02:44 pm

As the bell rang, and Masako began to leave the classroom she heard the new teacher call her name.
"Masako Himura may I talk to you for a few minutes?"
Masako turned to face him. "Yes?" She asked.
"Your old teacher, he was found dead yesterday… he had been completely drained of blood. Do you not find this starnge?" He asked.
"It wasnt me!" Masako shouted.
"I know it was not you. You were busy hiding the body of that girl you killed."
"How do you know this?" Masako asked.
"I am late for an appointment." He said looking at his bare wrist. "If you want answers meet me at the fountian, at the center of town."

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