Chapter 2 of Lunar and Friends! (FINALLY)

Chapter 2 of Lunar and Friends! (FINALLY)
Post by: primadxnna - June 28th, 2015, 8:25:31 pm

"So where are we going?" Tiger asked.
"Kansas. Were going to Kansas." Matt said. We were all eager to travel to Kansas. I sat at the library, with my computer, typing my own book to put in the library. One and Retro were playing tag (and THIS time they had to whip each other with their shirts, thats NOT a good idea) and Slime was with me, reading a book. Tiger then took a cat nap.
"Luna, you have the honors of pulling the lever." Matt exclaimed. YAY! I got to pull the lever to travel to Kansas! I pulled the lever and the TARDIS was flying! But thankfully we didnt feel sick (except for Slime who was READING A BOOK) But then I heard a noise that the TARDIS never made before. That scared us. "Uh Matt?" One and Retro said. "Is that a good a noise?"
"Uh... yes! Yes it is!" Matt said. He looked nervous. "Everything will be ok! Hehe..."
"Oh no. I dont feel good." Slime muttered. Then we crashed like a comet from space! I looked out side. There were flying turtles, Swimming birds, and even walking manatees!
"Guys," I stuttered. "I dont think were in Kansas."


Thank you guys for your patience! I did post another chapter 2 but the fallback took it away. Ill try to make more!

Re: Chapter 2 of Lunar and Friends! (FINALLY)
Post by: Peppah - July 3rd, 2015, 7:22:59 am

Can I be in it? :D

Re: Chapter 2 of Lunar and Friends! (FINALLY)
Post by: primadxnna - July 3rd, 2015, 8:25:59 am

Dont worry Pepper!

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