The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 7

The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 7
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 26th, 2015, 11:20:36 am

Steve went along the path to the mountains. Even though everything was weird here, he enjoyed watching the 2 green suns setting in a moonlight night. Soon he got to the foot of the mountain, which was as brown as tree trunks before the hacks. He got to the top and looked left. Sure enough, there was a forest. Steve started down the mountain, but he slipped and
OW OUCH!!!!!
fell to the bottom. Steve got up and wait to real heal a bit. Then he got up and ran into the forest. He came runing right back out with about 7 spider bites....


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