The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 4

The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 4
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 26th, 2015, 10:59:14 am

Steve looked around for something else to do. He didnt really feel like going into a strange portal to battle some mobs. He just wanted to get home to make sure if Whiskers was alright. But, since there was nothing else to do on the deserted island, he jumped through the green portal. Strangely, there was no "Downloading terrain" screen, and even more strangely, he found himself in the Far lands of the over world. I guess this is the first dimension to explorethough Steve. So as he ventured through upside down ravines, cliffs that if you jumped off you would land back on, and other strange buildings. Steve was about to give up when he saw a HUGE ghasts and mutated creepers guarding a blue portal....


Re: The Journey To the End of Minecraft Book 1 Chpt. 4
Post by: oneofakid - June 26th, 2015, 11:00:50 am

I like it, very descriptive.
Keep it up!

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