Cubebuilders Secret: Part 4: The Adventurers

Cubebuilders Secret: Part 4: The Adventurers
Post by: OrzaRound - April 9th, 2015, 5:25:39 pm

As Karow went along with Willbob and Matthew, Matthew asked Karow, "So..uh, when did CB shut down?" "I think about 5:40 P.M. Approximately." replied Karow. This gave Matthew a sudden thought. "I think we should go to factions. Can we?" asked Matthew. "Why?" replied Karow. "I need to check something." answered Matthew. (The following parts are true on what happened on 4/9/15 except anything with ? ? ?) When Matthew wen to Factions, he did /f home. Matthew was shocked! His Faction Home was gone! (The following is now false) "I bet that hacker ? ? ? did it." said Matthew angrily. He knew slick0804 also would be angry. Willbob said "Maybe someone over claimed it." "Youre not helping" said Matthew. Suddenly, the 3 adventurers disappeared. "What the..?" said Karow. The other 2 realized it too. They didnt know where they were. All they knew was that they were in another server.

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