Week 1: Contest Story

Week 1: Contest Story
Post by: Akiraff - April 3rd, 2015, 9:42:00 am

Week 1: Contest Challenge

I have realized an increase amount of stories being shared on this section, so I have decided to make something special for you guys for this Easter! Every week, I would be a submitting a new picture and you guys have to tell a story out of the picture. After all a picture tells 1000 words!

You have seven days to submit the story! The story length needs to be medium sized with an average of (500-1000 words). I have picked the theme and feeling of the story, however every week would change; depending how crazy can the story get.

To make short. We have five judges (from Staff Team), in order to judge the story. If you are a staff and do not represent a judge for this, you could join the contest!

How do we judge the story (Well worth 100 points)
10 - Grammar
10 - Stayed with length (500-1000 words)
30 - Creativity
20 - Emotions
30 - Sticking with theme

Story Information
Deadline: 10 April 2015
Theme: Turtles
Emotion: Chaotic

Reward will be random! But here how it works though. If you win the contest, you have a chance to win


CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Week 1: Contest Story
Post by: oneofakid - April 3rd, 2015, 9:43:35 am


Re: Week 1: Contest Story
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 3rd, 2015, 9:51:30 am

This is a really good idea, I cant wait to read everyones stories.

I like how the theme is turtles, best theme ever aha :D

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