A story my friend wrote

A story my friend wrote
Post by: ActualDia - March 3rd, 2015, 9:36:06 pm

The Legend Of The Horse
Long ago there lived six indians one was named Green plant another was Dauntless,Wolf star, Water drop,Sea rock and Chrisal Hart but Christal likes to be called La Rasa. They all lived in the same tribe. At night all the girls would sneak out of the teepees and go to green mountain and every night green,blue and white lights will shine in the dark sky. One night when they were looking at the lights La Rasa noticed a beautiful ghostly horse in the sky.
Then all of the girls saw the ghostly horse. The ghostly horse came down from the sky. When the horse reached the floor all the girls wanted to name it Shadow. Instead of going back to there tribe they stayed with Shadow. They all fell asleep, Soon the sun rose in the sky.
Sea Rock woke up the other girls. They all thought about last night. All of a sudden something came out of the bushes it was Shadow! She didnt look ghostly she was just a white horse. Shadow was friendly so they took her to there tribe. Every single indian was looking at Shadow. Shadow seemed to know everyone. They took her to a teepee a big and strong looking indian came out. Right when he saw Shadow his whole mouth came open and he immediately
called all indians. He proudly said "The magic horse was found by Green plant, Dauntless, Water drop, Wolf star, Sea rock and La Rasa." Everybody chapped and cheered. The girls were confused. "Magic Horse?" They said. Yes said the strong man. Long ago this horse ran away from the tribe. We searched and searched. But we could not find her. "Did you look on top of Green mountain?" asked Wolf Star. "Thats where we found her." Said Water drop."Yeah we were looking at the lights and she came down from the sky." Said Dauntless. The strong looking man said "We should celebrate.". Everyone agreed. So when the sun went down and everybody went to the top of Green mountain, they arranged foods and drinks. Like cocoanut water and meat and lots more. As soon as everybody was there. The sound of drums filled the air. Everybody was dancing. Torches were lit. Everybody was happy! When Green plant, Water drop, Dauntless, Wolf star, Sea rock, La Rasa and Shadow walked in. Everyone was silent. The king of the tribe gave the girls and Shadow a medal. Then everybody cheered. They all had a good time. Shadow stayed and everyone was happy.

Thats the Legend
Of the

Re: A story my friend wrote
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 6th, 2015, 2:51:00 pm

Nice story!

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