A mystery part 3

A mystery part 3
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 25th, 2015, 5:14:28 pm

Victor was searching his house for a murder weapon when he found a diamond pickaxe what Bob were not in minecraft well fine he found a katana with a note under it reading "London bridge is falling down falling down falling down The London bridge is falling down My fair lady" What is this porkchop Victor said. What Bob he didnt say that well I have to censor it some how kids will read this. Then he turned it around and saw a signature [font=zapfino]Death[/font]

Re: A mystery part 3
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 27th, 2015, 8:17:57 pm

I decided I would like to collaborate (such a long word) with the community if you have an idea DONT post it here send a pm if I like the idea Ill work with the person who had that idea repeat DO NOT POST HERE just in case the idea becomes part of the story

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