Foul language from yet anothr player :(

Foul language from yet anothr player :(
Post by: Razorbackfan97 - December 17th, 2014, 9:03:54 pm

abbe6000 used foul language towards me in the private chat today 12.17.14 at 9:02 eastern time. She was invisible and I saw it form being in gamemode 3. it was her but she was trying to argue with me that it wasnt her. It was her in the cocpit so I banned her from my plot and she sent this foul message to me in the pm. Evidence is below

Re: Foul language from yet anothr player :(
Post by: EnderTheGreat - December 17th, 2014, 9:29:18 pm

Thanks for the info, Ive seen to it the players received the appropriate punishment.

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