
Post by: BradmasterX - November 16th, 2014, 11:13:25 am

Ok,so our faction ,TheCaveMen, get in trouble a lot with creepers and zombies and raiders, but rat is worse(in my opinion). So one of those things above happen, for the next hour or whenever one of those happen rat spams us with different messages. By one thing all your stuff was taken from a raider or a zombie and then some guy annoys you and tells you can trust him and let me tpa and Ill replensh your stuff, NO! what makes me think think we can trust you but not anyone else that asks. And my friend is usually the problem with this stuff but I dont blame him because he feels pity. But he finally stop doing that but rat is still anoying mostly all of us, it used to be just me and my friend (dtown2002) but now its more. But is it illegal to spam like that or did I spend anot 7 to 14 minutes on typing this and it legal or do I need proof like a screen shot.
I hope you can help(anyone) bye. >:( >:( >:( :-\ :( :-\ >:( ??? :o :-X :( >:( >:( >:(

Re: Ratcoolhauk
Post by: realJosefStalin - November 16th, 2014, 3:30:59 pm

You need sceen shot for proof

Re: Ratcoolhauk
Post by: Lil_Britt - November 16th, 2014, 3:50:47 pm

Also, there is a template for abuse reports. You need to put the time on there so in case you dont get the screenshot and its important, we can check chat logs. If this happens again, be sure you get the screenshot and then use the template. I will also watch the chat logs to be sure I catch it if it happens again. Thank you for at least trying to report this to us and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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