hacker report

hacker report
Post by: MystrikMC - November 17th, 2014, 2:02:35 pm

mymomvivan is a hacker watch him at pvp he can sprint 10 times as fast as us he shoots 50 arrows at once and he one hits. I dont appreciate hackers. Maybe you should temp ban him for a while i dont know.


Re: hacker report
Post by: Karow - November 17th, 2014, 9:06:27 pm

Hi! Thank you for reporting such behavior! We do not allow hackers and we like everything to be 100% fair and balanced (unlike the news). I need proof however, do you happen to have any screenshots of him hacking? That would be great, thanks!

Re: hacker report
Post by: MystrikMC - November 21st, 2014, 1:55:42 pm

[quote author=Karow link=topic=1311.msg5071#msg5071 date=1416276387]
Hi! Thank you for reporting such behavior! We do not allow hackers and we like everything to be 100% fair and balanced (unlike the news). I need proof however, do you happen to have any screenshots of him hacking? That would be great, thanks!
[/quote]sorry i dont have any screenshots

Re: hacker report
Post by: Lil_Britt - November 21st, 2014, 3:10:19 pm

Thank you for reporting this. I actually went into FFAPVP and saw him hack myself, so he was banned for 2 days so he could take the opportunity to turn his hacks off. If this happens again, go ahead and let me know so I can look out for him. Again, thank you so much. Have a wonderful day!

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