Reporting StampyTJ for sexual harassment or something along those lines

Reporting StampyTJ for sexual harassment or something along those lines
Post by: Lil_Britt - September 30th, 2014, 12:41:25 am

Alright, so I was on here and we were having some what of a spat. I didnt really mind or anything because it wasnt a big deal. Then things got kind of weird and it made me slightly uncomfortable. I dont really know if I can report him for sexual harassment, however, I do think that this should be looked at, as it made me very weirded out. The time of this was September 29, 2014 at around 11:28 pm Central Time. Uh, if someone could get back to me on this, that would be lovely.
Thank you.

Re: Reporting StampyTJ for sexual harassment or something along those lines
Post by: Karow - October 11th, 2014, 5:25:57 pm

You had a good case, a screenshot, and the offender all listed! A simple "dont do it again" doesnt suffice. In fact, with his /phistory, a verbal warning isnt even enough. Especially if hes harassing our staff members!

So, a mute has been carried. Thank you for reporting him!

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