Name Changes and Factions

Name Changes and Factions
Post by: SiggiJG - February 4th, 2015, 4:45:32 pm

Update: You can now change your name without losing access to your Faction!
To change your name, go to:


Mojang has just started allowing name changes. All servers on CubeBuilders are ready to allow for name changes, except the Factions server. If you change your name, you will lose access to your faction! If you are participating in the Factions server, do not change your name until we tell you its okay to do so!

Thanks for your patience!
Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: MystrikMC - February 4th, 2015, 7:26:40 pm

im not gonna change my name

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: Solurnis - February 4th, 2015, 8:31:28 pm

... maybe u should add a new perk for emerald dons, that was a don perk for them.

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: ActualDia - February 4th, 2015, 9:19:17 pm

How do you do that bold text?

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: Karow - February 5th, 2015, 1:32:10 am

@DiamondGirl2706, you write

[b] your text here [/b]

Pro Tip: Also, if you ever want to know how someone [glow=blue,20,300][shadow=blue,left]formatted something[/shadow][/glow], click on the "quote" button as if you were gonna quote/respond to them. It will allow you to see the code they used in order to do it.
Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: EnderTheGreat - February 5th, 2015, 1:45:16 am

You in theory should be able to transfer control of the faction to a faction mate, and have them re-add/promote you if you are leader.

or if you are simply a member, just have them re-add you. It is best to wait though.

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: slimestein - February 5th, 2015, 3:10:31 pm

[shadow=red,left]I will never change my name=)[/shadow]

[font=andale mono]BTW I hope this isnt a bypass for permbanned player

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: ActualDia - February 5th, 2015, 6:06:52 pm

[quote author=Karow link=topic=1807.msg6900#msg6900 date=1423117930]
@DiamondGirl2706, you write

[b] your text here [/b]

Pro Tip: Also, if you ever want to know how someone [glow=blue,20,300][shadow=blue,left]formatted something[/shadow][/glow], click on the "quote" button as if you were gonna quote/respond to them. It will allow you to see the code they used in order to do it.
[/quote] Got it
Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: ActualDia - February 5th, 2015, 6:08:21 pm

Code: [Blue]

Re: Name Changes and Factions
Post by: ActualDia - February 5th, 2015, 6:09:06 pm

[quote author=DiamondGirl2706 link=topic=1807.msg6935#msg6935 date=1423177701]
Code: [Blue]
[/quote] So could you just do [Blue]

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