Advanced Minigames

Advanced Minigames
Post by: DylanTehBat - December 16th, 2017, 9:46:35 am

Idk if it would be adored, but I was talking with some of my friends who play the server and they want more ways to earn CubeTokens for Skyblock and Factions. Well we got to thinking, and a few suggestions that came up were Hide And Seek (where players could disguise themselves as blocks and if they stop moving they become the actual block, sorta like prop hunt but if it would be more fair the hiders can't choose what they hide as). Another idea was an elytra course, but that might take a while to build and program (we were thinking like the courses on minecraft xbox in the minigames tab).

Anyone else got ideas to earn more CubeTokens? I really love Quake, it's sorta like Call of Duty and it's interesting to play with friends.

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