
Post by: XalanthDarkFire - April 1st, 2019, 9:03:36 am

This goes without saying that Skyblock is a mode designed for difficulty and fun. this challenging mode is already difficult with many mobs spawning even in the worst of places, I know I have been blown off my island far too many times to be able to count or shot into a corner and ripped to shreds by mobs that come from every corner of the game possible. That being said, the game is difficult enough without mobs being able to destroy your farmland, YES I am talking about the really anoying gelatinous blobs, SLIMES. they constantly spawn in on my farm land reducing my food available, I do like the challenge of the normal mobs, Skeletons, Creepers, Zombies, Endermen, ect, but slimes are just a problem, is there a way these annoying green cubes can be have their spawn rate reduced or removed? Or even just make it so they can't destroy farms. I have lost a large amount of food from my farms because of these things.

Thanks for your time.


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