Illusion (Previously Theta)

Illusion (Previously Theta)
Post by: xRUVIKx - January 10th, 2017, 9:49:49 am

Most of you that play factions probably know me so ill make this quick. We need people. Let me know any skills you may think of as unique, your age, how long you have been a member, etc. Leave a reply, /mail me, or contact me or any current members through Skype. Don't try anything funny; we will be looking into your history if you are interested in joining.

Illusion (Previously Theta)
Post by: flagrocker - May 18th, 2017, 3:14:32 am

I have no skill that is currently unique but I'm always up for a challenge and learning new things, my age 16 turning 17 in 2 months, and I've been a member of cb for more than 3 and a half years. Not doing any funny business, just looking for a faction to where I can get better at things I haven't done in along time and fight for victory on enemies with the Faction.

Re:Illusion (Previously Theta)
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 21st, 2018, 5:01:40 am

when was this Theta I thought it was only ever something with Vindict and Illu as prefixes

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