Want to join Apollo? Your journey starts here!

Want to join Apollo? Your journey starts here!
Post by: GalacticCosmos - October 19th, 2016, 11:36:34 pm

[b]Apollo recruitment info and template[/b]

Faction information (General, like rules)
Apollo is a relatively new faction, which unlike most factions, will do contracts or "jobs" which would consist of building and mining work, dungeon/nether area clearing and assasinations.

Rules (these are mandatory and must be followed alongside the existing cubebuilders rules)
*Please respect other faction members and ally factions, hold friends close.
*Please consult the leader(s) before declaring a faction as an enemy
*Any faction members raiding us is prohibited.
*Bringing in members of another faction without the say so of leaders is unacceptable, unless it is a member of staff investigating something.
*Contracts and jobs must be completed when a member takes it up, if they cannot do it, they may hand it to a player who can. Failure to do so ore than once will result in demotion, or being removed from the faction, by termination, along with being blacklisted from the faction.
*Try to help fellow or allied faction members when they need it. You may charge allied faction members a small fee, maximum amount: $400.
*Do not give assistance to enemy factions or their members, you will be kicked and blacklisted.
*Selling coordinates without the knowledge of faction leaders will get you removed and blacklisted.
*No controversial, racially aggrovating, sexist or generally provocative topics can be brought up unless it is very mild.

Ranks and roles in the faction
At the top, there is the leading members of the faction, Apollo or Promethean High council, consisting of the leader of the faction and others, the high council deal with trading and cooperating with other factions, and deciding wether a faction is an enemy.
Following the High council the Lesser Apollo or Promethean council will have say in deciding to kick players from the faction and the cost of contracts.
Next up are the Promethean Knights, they will serve as assasins and will fight off enemy factions.
Then we get to members and inductees, Inductees are players who are on a week and a half programme to develop skills and join the faction. Members are self explanatory, all members of the faction can take contracts/jobs.

The faction induction programme
The faction induction programme is for players who would like to/need to improve their skills. Inductees will be paired with a mentor for a week an a half, and the mentor will take them across different servers to teach them skills like PvP and building. At the end, the inductee will either be accepted into the faction or will be made to redo the programme, if they don't want to redo the induction they can leave, in either case they will recieve a small gift, the gift will vary between currency and items depending if the person does the programme more than once.

All we ask of members is to be active, follow the rules, keep the faction in a good image and have fun, if your going to be offline for a while, please try to notify a leading member of the faction.

You don't have to use this, but it helps.

*What is your username:

*How active are you:

*Have you raided factions you were in at the time in the past?(Answer honestly, because we'll be checking!):

Please don't be afraid to answer these next questions honestly.

*How confident are you in PvP? 1= Very confident and 10= you hate PvP and never want to do it.

*How confident are you at building & redstone, 1-10:

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we wish the best of luck to any applicants!

~ Craig
~ Apollo

Re:Want to join Apollo? Your journey starts here!
Post by: channelofdreams - October 22nd, 2016, 5:53:18 pm

[i]Hello , i would like to apply to Apollo

My username is channelofdreams

i am somewhat active mostly during the night (timezone UTC 5:00)

Have not raided any factions , not sure if enterring and running away immediately counts.

i don't pvp alot , i rate myself a 10.

at building i consider myself a 5 depending on what it is that i am building , i have never used redstone so 10 in redstone mechanisim

i have also read all the rules just in case .

channelofdreams ~

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