
Post by: fmlnoah - November 16th, 2014, 7:00:47 pm

Hi! Im not new. In fact, Id say Ive been playing for a couple months. However, Im new to the forums, so Ill make this just to be safe. My name is Noah.

About me: Im thirteen, going on fourteen in a week or two, and a severe introvert. I like books, EDM (Plur for life.), and you. Actually, I probably dont like you. I hate pretty much everything, but on the internet, I come off so nice and to be honest, I would totally befriend me. Ive struggled with depression, but Im pretty much a pessimist all the time. The fact that I have friends befuddles me. Also, Im pansexual. Thats not important at all.

I have a German Shepherd named Thor, and a unicorn named Keira.

I go by the name of Hyphoria everywhere else than Minecraft, and as soon as I get a new iMac with Logic, Ill begin making music under that alias as well.

I really hope I become staff sooner or later, because I think with my maturity and helpfulness I would be a great addition to the team. Im like Judge Judy. Everyone likes Judge Judy. Sass queen.

I like to think Im good at the Quake minigame, but I really suck. Im good at ColorShuffle, though. Best way to get CubeTokens by a long shot. Ive beat the Parkour, but Im bad at the mazes. Im not doing Factions at the moment. Nope nope nope nope strategy nope.

So, here I am. Opened to you, ready to be judged. Lets begin.


Re: Hello...?
Post by: BradmasterX - November 16th, 2014, 7:11:22 pm

Hi Im Braden, but I mostly play factions.


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