What airline do you want to fly on at the airport warp grand reopening?

What airline do you want to fly on at the airport warp grand reopening?
Post by: Razorbackfan97 - August 5th, 2015, 3:00:47 pm

Hello to all,

This poll is letting you the people of the Cubebuilders community to vote for the airline you want to fly at the airport grand reopening. On a side note this is a reminder that on September 12th 2015 is the airport warp grand reopening. The airport warp is located in old creative on Cubebuilders. To get to the airport warp from the lobby do ./Server creative . This puts you in the new creative on Cubebuilders. From there turn right in the new creative spawn and turn right and walk into the portal. There should be a sign on the portal saying something about 64x64 plots. Finally once in old creative do ./warp Airport. THIS IS A SERVER WIDE EVENT! I hope to see a lot of you there. It starts at 7:00 pm eastern standard time. Below is the adjusted start time for YOUR time zone for those not in eastern standard time:

6:00 pm if you are on central standard time
5:00 pm if you are on mountain standard time
4:00 pm if you are on Pacific standard time.



Re: What airline do you want to fly on at the airport warp grand reopening?
Post by: Magicov - August 5th, 2015, 4:25:17 pm

Make sure you give me credit too... i did that world edit for you. just sayin ;D

Re: What airline do you want to fly on at the airport warp grand reopening?
Post by: Razorbackfan97 - August 5th, 2015, 5:57:54 pm

_MagicDog_ dont worry I havent forgotten. Ill make a shrine in the airport listing the people that helped build it. This is not where Im doing that tho. This is just a place to announce events for the airport warp.



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