Whatever happen to all the rolerplayers?

Whatever happen to all the rolerplayers?
Post by: MNM1O1 - May 11th, 2017, 8:27:26 pm

I remember back when the server pretty much ALWAYS had at least one roleplay going on, sure most of them sucked but what happen to them? Roleplays have to be preformed on discord or skype I know but they've pretty much left Cubebuilders itself at this point.

Although... Maybe it's for the best, I prefer THIS over school, family, and city roleplays packed full of drama and edge. It'd be cool to have actual good roleplays around these days though.

Re:Whatever happen to all the rolerplayers?
Post by: Seashelll - May 14th, 2017, 2:15:57 am

I totally agree! I remember a long time ago there would be so many players on creative and in chat there would be people saying things like:
L{}{}K-------> HighSchool Roleplay!! Please join!!


And other things like that. Chat would be over flowed with people roleplaying, advertising their roleplay, and etc. But now roleplays are kind of dying out and there's just some every now and then. But it's nice to see that chat isn't flooded with roleplays as much as some years ago!

Re:Whatever happen to all the rolerplayers?
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 21st, 2018, 4:55:47 am

Cause the server is slowly been dying. The forums are really inactive and highest player count in the last year is about 25. I do have a plan and a post about it though (and if you say this is gravediigging, I highly disagree cause pretty much replying to any post is grave digging now)

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