Magicdog the skyblocker! [Redone]

Magicdog the skyblocker! [Redone]
Post by: Magicov - September 7th, 2015, 7:17:28 am

Magicdog spawned at the spawnpoint for the map skyblock on the cubebuilders server. the spawnpoint seems rather legit than a massive monumental build hed come to expect over his years of playing. It was just a gazebo like structure, with rules on both sides of him. ahead were some community chests. "those things are for noobs, all you ever find is rotten flesh and stone tools!" Magic walked down a set of stairs onto a gravel pathway. everywhere he looked, he saw trees, grass, pathways, and... shopping booths?
"what kind of spawn is this?" Magic thought. as he turned to his left, the sound of a portal caught his attention. he turned and saw a nether portal surrounded by oak wood instead of obsidian. Magic had thought that those purple blocks formed when water met lava where the only way to make a portal. He was wrong. To his right was a rules board, which he never bothered to read. he had already been told what NOT to do.
Magic walked forward a bit and was met by the mooing of a cow, and a 3 way intersections, the gravel pathways leading in all directions. the one to the left sloped down into a vast, flat field. "Ill check that out later." Magic said. Straight ahead there was one booth, but thats all he saw. so, to the right he walked. the path loped upward an= bit, then turned left into a giant market place. "OH WOW!" Magic said. He ran through the market, looking at the insanely high prices for such little items, dirt was like 6000$ per stack.
Magic understood why though. On skyblock, there was a very small amount of these materials, and you want to make sure you used them well. a a merchant on terraria had said you have no idea how much dirt sells for over seas!, skyblock was kind of like a vast ocean of void and a tiny island in which you called home.
After looking at the insanely high prices, he headed back to the intersection, then went straight. thats all the path was really, just a long stretch, connecting to another road. Halfway through the path he saw a lake. "This must be a fishing pond... interesting..." Magic said to himself. Continuing on, the road connected back to the shop. "oh ok..." Magic said. But then something caught his eye. it wasnt an object, it was empty void. Then magic new what this spawn was. it was a giant sky island!
Running back to the intersection, he finally went left, down the open field. He saw spawners about, but he didnt see the need to fight any monsters during the day. feeling his hunger was getting low, Magic headed through some fence gates and down a ladder nearly 3 blocks high. Then, from the spawners, burst not monsters, but cows, sheep, pigs, and more. "The food!" Magic said. quickly, he opened chat using ENTER, which he got used to after his experience of terraria multiplayer. Then he typed a command. using / at the front, he commanded stone tools using this set of words: /kit tools. Instantly, he had a full set of stone tools. Now he was ready for some killing!
[font=arial black]TO BE CONTINUED![/font]

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