Let me tell you a little story?

Let me tell you a little story?
Post by: StativeSpencer - August 18th, 2015, 10:22:51 pm

Let me tell a little story about a very old and very wise man named Henry?. One day Henry? walked into a circular room to see three goblets sitting on a round table. The first one was empty the second one was half empty and the third one was two quarters full. Henry? then discovered it was a puzzle where you had to drink from the goblet that was the fullest after they got mixed around. So Henry? pressed the button on the corn or of the table to mix them up. After it was done mixing he picked up the goblet which used to be first but now third and emptied it into another goblet which he then drank from and solved the puzzle. Do you see the reason.

Re: Let me tell you a little story?
Post by: Yvetal123 - August 19th, 2015, 4:52:24 pm

well im assuming that after they got mixed around the contents inside they goblets got mixed together then he poured the full goblet into an empty goblet and drank all of it. But assuming from the tone of the post it isnt a cheezy answer so I have no idea.

Re: Let me tell you a little story?
Post by: StativeSpencer - August 19th, 2015, 5:25:22 pm

Ever considered how a circle table can have a cornor

Re: Let me tell you a little story?
Post by: Yvetal123 - August 19th, 2015, 7:11:39 pm

well if you look at a table in 3d there is a circular edge going around the table that is considered a corner

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