A mystery part 7 THE FINAL CHAPTER

A mystery part 7 THE FINAL CHAPTER
Post by: StativeSpencer - August 5th, 2015, 8:13:11 pm

So before I continue Bob is being weird his pupils disappeared and his teeth grew 10 times sharper but hes not here so I can have some fun. Inside the cheese building it was quite plain a igloo desk with a pineapple... Oh Bob your here uhm why do you have blood on your hands well anyway Im gonna continue. There was there was a front desk and behind it was sat a women wearing a grey coat she had blonde hair and green eyes. "Hello" she spoke in a heavy Russian accent. "This is mrs. Jones she is the assistant director." Cebastian whispered in his ear. Right at that momen... Okay hes gone SAVE ME HE HAS A SWO... Uhm no Bob I wasnt talking about you well uhm anyway at that moment an elevator opened up and a tall man walked out. "Hello I am Alan Blunt the director here at MI6 Im sure Cebastian didnt explain anything well weve been watching you Americans its actually quite entertaining well weve realized your the only surviving FBI agent and Cebastian well were not sure if hes even human he can survive a 10 story fall well he found you and brought you here the bridge falling down is just strange it was perfectly fine one second then it was crumbling to pieces and we need you t..." He never finished the sentence Cebastian had shoved a knife into his eye. "Well whos next." He then picked up Victor and threw him across the room. "He was right Im not human not at all." He calmly said right before snapping Victors neck. And thats what happened and Bobs appearently not human either well aaaahhhhggg my eye!!! THIS IS WHY YOU DONT TRUST EDITORS AAAHHHGGGGG

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