Murder.... (Part 4) -END-

Murder.... (Part 4) -END-
Post by: UmbreonFang - July 22nd, 2015, 5:46:47 pm

Maka woke up back in the dungeon, leg still broken, and head hurting. This time, she was not in the chains, but the door that she wouldve gone through was locked. Am I ever getting out of here?, she wondered. "UGGGGGGH! WHY AM I SOOOOOOOOOO UNLUCKY!", she screamed. She was going crazy, she could not stay here any longer, she had to find a way out. "I have to calm down", she said to herself. "Ill waste all the air in here because of my silly little tantrum. Wait... air..", she suddenly realized there wouldnt be air with ought an.. air vent! Make looked around and finally saw the vent in the corner of the room. Why didnt i think of that before?, she wondered. She crawled all the way to the vent, and she opened it with ease. Does he really think Im that stupid?LMAO!, she thought while laughing. This was her ticket home!She crawled through the vent, but then started screaming (in her mind) of fright. Right next to her was the same corpse boy who dragged her into this mess! "Flip off m8, i need to get out of here!", she said to the corpse who was obviously not going to reply back. Make kicked the corpse and it went flying backwards. "I have been waiting to do that", she mumbled. She went through the vents and found a wall, and the wall led to light! She was finally going to get home! Suddenly, the Shadow Man appeared again. Make was furious, why cant this guy go capture someone else! "Oh dont worry, Im taking you back. Im just here to tell you that you havee some... suppress waiting for you, Hahahahhaha." And with that he vanished. He was a creeper, glad hes gone.But she could not forget what he said right before he left, There are some... surprises waiting for you.Probably going to be another corpse again.

She was finally on the surface, she was free! She couldnt wait to go home, she wanted to see her parents again! But when she got home, she knew what the surprise was. her mom and her dad were both.... dead."NOOOOOOOOOO! NO U CANT BE DEAD! NOT NOW, IM JUST A LITTLE GIRL! I DONT HAVE ANYONE! DONT LEAVE ME!", she cried in agony. "", she stuttered. "WHHHHHHHHY!SHADOW MAN, WHHHHY!", she screamed! How was she going to live her life now!There was only one thing she could do, and this was the only way she could be happy. Make grabbed a rope, and went to the park. She found a very tall tree, and tied the rope to the tree. She then made a loop with the rope, and put it around her neck. "I will see my parents again, and Ill be with them forever.", she whispered. She then let go of the rope. And the last thing she ever did, was slowly smile while tears went down her face...

Re: Murder.... (Part 4) -END-
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 22nd, 2015, 5:52:59 pm

Wow that was really dark and depressing I LOVE IT

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