Water Wonder

Water Wonder
Post by: paintcr - July 2nd, 2015, 8:06:41 pm

Misti didnt know where shed come from. She didnt care. All that mattered were her husky dogs, Kymopoleia and Oceanus. She didnt know why they were named that. They just were. She had appeared on the shore of Long Island Beach not long after a hurricane blew through. She came out of the waves completely dry, and no one knew how. A woman named Penny took her to her small Long Island farm near the beach. But Misti never really stayed there. She felt drawn to the beach she had come from, and spent every day & night there. One night, when she was play-fighting with Oceanus & Kymopoleia, she heard a voice, hoarse and gravelly, whispering: Come to me, Misti...Come to me...! Then she was enveloped in a red light, and was dragged from her peaceful beach into what seemed to be eternal darkness.....

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