The Pointed Peak Chapter 1

The Pointed Peak Chapter 1
Post by: Peppah - May 23rd, 2015, 9:02:08 am

It was a sunny day, and Lightning, Berry, and I were exploring. We leaped from tree to tree as we watched horses peacefully graze in the valley below. "Weve been looking for days, and nothing!" Groaned Berry.

"Yeah," agreed Lightning, "we should probably head back."

"No," I said. I was determined to find something. At least a tiny faction. And I wasnt going to give up. But, as the day carried on, Berry protested.

"Fine," I sighed. "If we dont find anything by tomorrow, we can turn back."

"Finally!" said Berry. As the sun began to set, we jumped down from the trees and began to hunt. The whole night, we spent hunting for the next day that was soon to come.

Hours Later:

"Rise and shine!" I said, as the sun came into view.

"Yet another unsuccessful day of exploring," muttered Berry, and we climbed our way back into the trees.

After several minutes of tree jumping, Lightning stopped in awe.

"Lightning, whats wrong?" I asked.

"L-look!" said Lightning as he pointed a finger at a mountain that went so high into the sky, you couldnt see the top.

"A pointed peak," said Berry

Re: The Pointed Peak Chapter 1
Post by: vvanqu1sh - May 23rd, 2015, 11:09:03 am

Great story! I love how you made the intro into a paragraph and the rest of the speech separate!

Overall great work! Cant wait for more!

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