CubeWorld (chapter 1)

CubeWorld (chapter 1)
Post by: Derpehh - April 21st, 2015, 9:44:43 pm

PREVIOUSLY: Hawaii figured out Derpeh and Liv were sisters while trying to defeat TigerScar. 3 YEARS LATER... "I cant believe we defeated Siggi 3 years ago!" Hawaii exclaimed. It was their 3 year anniversary to defeating Siggi and saving the world. Back then, they were all around 12, so they were coming on 15 (woop woop)!! Since Liv and Derpeh were sisters/twins, they had the same birthday while Hawaii was a day after theirs. Liv and Derpeh would always combine minds and scare people in their school. Hawaii would laugh, and just say,"Yeah, they freak me out too," and walk away. They would protect Hawaii, and care for her like a true friend, since they all were forced to abandon their parents, but Derpeh and Liv had each other, Hawaii had no family, so they kind of took her in. Until one day, a new girl came to the school. Her name was Giorgi. Giorgi came in EXACTLY on their 3 year anniversary day of defeating Siggi. She was kind of nice, except to the little group Hawaii, Liv and Derpeh had formed. Who was this girl? What was she capable of?, they thought. This question lingered in their minds for a long while. Until she came over to them with blood red eyes... TO BE CONTINUED... Want more??? Stay tuned! By the way, sorry that I couldnt detail the battle between Siggi and them. I thought about it, but all my ideas were to violent. Just, stay tuned please!

Re: CubeWorld (chapter 1)
Post by: Asheiou - April 30th, 2015, 2:56:31 am


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