The adventures of oneofakid! Part 5: Siggi and the ban

The adventures of oneofakid! Part 5: Siggi and the ban
Post by: oneofakid - April 14th, 2015, 8:35:09 am

The adventures of oneofakid!

Part 5: Siggi and the ban

"Why is Karow banning everybody?" said Akiraff. "Shes always been known to be funny, but this isnt like her. Something must be going on." Akiraff decided to vanish and teleport to Karow. When he teleported, he found out it wasnt Karow banning everybody, but it was a player, named JJTheHackerGrieferGuy. Akiraff had never heard of him, but since he was banning everybody under the nickname of Karow, he decided to ban JJ. To his surprise, he couldnt ban JJ, he must be another operator. JJ would not stop his acts, and Akira hadnt figured out he was an operator, so he didnt know to de-op him. Suddenly, mighty EnderTheGreat came online. He was here to fix everything. Akira said hi to Ender, and Ender said hi back. But wait. Ender wasnt an admin. The word Member was in front of his name. "Oh yeah, I forgot he had to leave.." Akira thought. But Ender wasnt fully gone. He still had Siggis contact info, so he decided to text Siggi to let him know to come online immediately. Within ten minutes, he was here. Siggi immediately realized that JJ had somehow gotten opped and needed de-opped. So Siggi did /deop JJTheHackerGrieferGuy. He was de-opped. And now, the moment were all waiting for. JJ was banned permanently from CubeBuilders. And Siggi unbanned all victims of JJ. Everybody was so happy, and they had a celebration at AkiraEnderprises base, as Akira teleported everyone there. It was so awesome.
The End!
Re: The adventures of oneofakid! Part 5: Siggi and the ban
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 17th, 2015, 3:01:46 pm

Great story!

But you gotta fix the ending, we will NEVER teleport you to our base under any circumstances.

Other than that, awesome job!

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