Reality to Minecraft - Chapter 2

Reality to Minecraft - Chapter 2
Post by: Hoemies - April 8th, 2015, 3:20:18 pm

Chapter 2

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. I was falling through the sky. I landed with a big impact. But strangely, I didnt get hurt. I looked around. Blocks. Blocks everywhere. "W-where am I?" I thought out loud. Several voices said "Welcome to CubeBuilders HawaiiGirl924!" "Thanks..." I said a little uneven. "I think Im in Minecraft." I thought. Wait. My username isnt HawaiiGirl924. Its _MysticRainbow_. This is weird. Wait. HawaiiGirl924 is Azures account. I sighed. I was stuck as Azure. I looked around me. The sight was so pretty. I walked toward a big gate. In front of it, there was a sign. It said "Heavens Gates. By Livetabon." "Wait a second," I thought. "I know where to go. This is soo familiar." I continued walking through the gates. There were portals.
I read the signs by the portals. There was Minigames, Factions, Creative, and Skyblock. I didnt know where to go. From my knowledge, I knew Creative is the most popular server. So I walked in the portal. My vision turned brown. Then, I popped out in a small spawn area. Another chorus of voices. "Welcome HawaiiGirl924 to Creative!" Then another voice said "Hawaii! You finally came to CubeBuilders!" I was confused. "Um.. Who are you?" I asked. "Duh. Its your best friend. DerpehWaffle!" "Oh yeah, right." I replied. I forgot. Azures best friend Julia had a Minecraft account. I didnt know Azure played Minecraft. Until now. "Hawaii! TP to me! Derpeh said excitedly. "Alright," I said unsure. I teleported myself to Derpeh.
When I arrived, I saw a huge mansion. "Woah. Thats awesome, I told Derpeh. Derpeh laughed. "I know." "Wow, Azure has a self-centered friend." I thought to myself. "Go inside!" Derpeh commanded. I slowly walked inside. It was so beautiful. There was furniture, different rooms, and 3 floors. I toured the other 2 floors. I wanted to live here. Forever. But then I remembered I had to get out of Minecraft. I sighed at the thought. This was all I ever wanted. And besides, if I stay to long, my parents will report me missing. On the bright side, I wont have to deal with selfish Azure. Or the mean girls and cheerleaders at school. I walked downstairs. "I have some bad news." Derpeh said.

Re: Reality to Minecraft - Chapter 2
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 8th, 2015, 3:32:04 pm

I like this chapter, Rainbow! It wasnt what I was expecting to happen which made it a surprise which made it even better!

I love how descriptive you were in this chapter, I cannot wait for more chapters!

Keep up the good work! Also welcome to Creative haha.

Re: Reality to Minecraft - Chapter 2
Post by: MasterTiger101 - April 9th, 2015, 6:09:22 pm

Your r an awesome writer gimme more!!!

Re: Reality to Minecraft - Chapter 2
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 9th, 2015, 8:14:09 pm

Great job! I love the suspense! :)

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