CubeLandia (chapter 3)

CubeLandia (chapter 3)
Post by: Derpehh - April 7th, 2015, 2:51:49 pm

So, they came back and Siggi said, "So! Now that we are all here, I want to congratulate you for being here. You are in the castle of Siggi and more! So, lets have a toast to all my wonderful servants. To Siggis Workers!" "To us!" they all yelled. They drank the potion. It worked for 3 seconds. Literally. "How do you feel, SLAVES?" He said. "No different," they all said. "Good! Lets take over the world!"Siggi said. "Siggi..." They all said in sync. Siggi left the castle. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" Liv screamed. "HE IS ABOUT TO TAKE OVER THE JELLY BEAN AND WE ARE JUST SITTING HERE EATING JELLY BEANS?!" Derpeh silenced her with her finger. "Calm down, Liv!" Derpeh said. "Your gonna have a heart attack!" Hawaii looked at her. "What makes you so almighty?" Hawaii asked. "What makes me almighty?" Derpeh said. "I am Siggis personal assistant, so I have all the keys to each room in the castle." TO BE CONTINUED... Want more? Stay tuned!

Re: CubeLandia (chapter 3)
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 7th, 2015, 3:00:36 pm

Oo nice chapter Derpeh!
The cliffhanger was quite a good ending to the Chapter!

I cant wait for more chapters to see if they manage to defeat The evil Sigg! :)

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