Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6

Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 7th, 2015, 2:51:28 pm

Chapter 6

Swirling. All around me. I saw a person like figure pass by me. I was extremely dizzy. All of a sudden, I popped into CubeBuilders. I sat down and regained consciousness. "Whoo," I said, "Where am I?" Suddenly, I recognized the area. It was the mountain! Was it? I assumed so and looked around. In front of me was the glowing portal. Which way do I go? I thought to myself. I looked around some more. I saw a glowing light. A voice in my head said "Follow the light! It will lead you the way." So I obviously followed it. I was starving. When I was about to sit down, I saw a sign. I couldnt make out the words. All I could read was "Hidden Server." I gasped. "I know where I am!" I exclaimed. I navigated my way back to my old house. It was covered in vines. "Wow," I said surprised, "How long has it been?" I saw a torch lit inside. I slowly opened the door and saw a man. "Hello! What brings you to my house?" I asked. "BRAAAINS!" he said. I screamed. Then, I picked up a stick and beat him to death. I was totally out of breath. "That... Was... Was... Work..." I said. Then there was a knock at the door

Re: Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6
Post by: slimestein - April 7th, 2015, 3:08:11 pm

ooh like different time line in different worlds, smart idea and pretty cleaver i must say ;D

Re: Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - April 7th, 2015, 3:11:06 pm

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=2558.msg11381#msg11381 date=1428433691]
ooh like different time line in different worlds, smart idea and pretty cleaver i must say ;D

No offense (read your signature so) but its clever, a cleaver as I believe is something a butcher uses to chop up meat :)

Also nice story kawaii Hawaii !!

Re: Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6
Post by: slimestein - April 7th, 2015, 3:29:56 pm

[quote author=GameDudePc_TR link=topic=2558.msg11383#msg11383 date=1428433866]
[quote author=slimestein link=topic=2558.msg11381#msg11381 date=1428433691]
ooh like different time line in different worlds, smart idea and pretty cleaver i must say ;D

No offense (read your signature so) but its clever, a cleaver as I believe is something a butcher uses to chop up meat :)
Thanks for the correction game :)

Re: Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 6
Post by: Hoemies - April 7th, 2015, 4:02:59 pm


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