Under Attack

Under Attack
Post by: SkyrunPvP - April 5th, 2015, 5:48:36 pm

AE was under attack, it was all of a sudden that a group of 50 people smashed through our faction wall it took months of trying to break in but AE was in a situation where they were going to be extinct.

Skyrun had a plan he would guard the vault and the rest taking our special loot to a special place where it was nowhere to be found. At that time one of our members was killed (xBooyahx) Skyrun had extreme adrenalin running through him, he back stabbed the killer in the back he fell to the floor rapidly.

Livetabon and EnderTheGreat were securing the vault as the enemies broke in attacking them as they transferred the loot to a secure place. They secured the vault but it wasn’t the end.

Willbob and livie were running to hide as they weren’t prepared for the fight but they were found by the leader of the enemies and they were slain.

Drak was scared they might lose another member so he helped Skyrun kill the enemies. The enemies retreated and hid in the caves.
They made a bad choice as we had time to get kitted up and repair ourselves while they couldn’t do anything until there next ambush.

Skyrun was destroyed he had blood down his face his armour was destroyed and he could barely walk.
Drak was searching for the enemies so we could pull an attack suddenly he was bowed in the head he fell onto his knees and told Skyrun who was comforting his death to tell him that
“He loves his family and won’t forget about them” Skyrun gave him his ring which he has carried round ever since and put it in his pocket and he ran.

Everyone else in Ae was destroyed Skyrun, Liv, Ender and Gamedude were left Skyrun was shot at he backfired into the wall breaking his spine, Gamedude slayed the guy who has now made Skyrun go into a painful death.
“We will win do it for me avenge me” Skyrun’s last words Ender layed him back carefully while Skyrun shut his eyes slowly.

Gamedude was on his own scouting the area he saw a shadow. He was standing there Gamedude’s soul ran away from him it was the leader, Gamedude attacked him but was knockbacked into lava where he disintegrated and was no more.

It was all up to Ender and Liv they thanked Skyrun for killing the leaders members but didn’t get passed the leader.

The leader unexpectedly charged at Ender, Ender flew backwards into the obsidian wall Liv was attacking him she was hit back into the wall and squashed a pig her armour was broken she had to hide otherwise she would be slayed.

Liv and Ender had to retreat they ran far away into the jungle it was not over.


Re: Under Attack
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 5th, 2015, 5:54:30 pm

This is a really good story sky!

A bit dark at times, but what would a story be without some sad parts. Least some people survived in the end and I hope they can defeat evil and avenge the others.

I cannot wait for more chapters if you make any more!

Re: Under Attack
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 5th, 2015, 6:38:02 pm

Awesome job! I like how you added a few not-so-good parts too.

Is this like Willbobs fan fiction about Live and Ender? xD

Re: Under Attack
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - April 8th, 2015, 9:02:38 am

Oh man you should do an awesome plot twist like some people return because they faked their own death, that would be sooo awesome !! :D

Anyways good story, I found it very funny how the player whos probably worst at pvp slayed the most enemies ;) :p But good story man i want a sequel and a prequel !!

Re: Under Attack
Post by: battymuncher - April 9th, 2015, 4:35:41 am

Cool story sky :p. Its quite realistic in a way because Im never really prepared for a fight :D

Re: Under Attack
Post by: Magicov - April 9th, 2015, 6:14:35 am

Lel liv XD

Re: Under Attack
Post by: dtown2002 - April 9th, 2015, 10:30:11 am

Speaking of plots I have to make a story dodecahedron for my L.A class. I have to read my book and make 12 sides of the characters the problem in the story ect. The book im doing is Squashed.

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