The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 5

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 5
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 5th, 2015, 9:08:23 am

Chapter 5

It was Ender and some girl. Wait that wasnt any girl, that was Liv! I walked toward them. "Liv?" She turned around. "Hawaii?" "Yeah its me. You have lots of explaining to do." She frowned. "Yes, Im afraid I do." She patted the ground. "Have a seat." I gradually sat down. "Now, as you know I kinda died." "Yeah.." I said awkwardly. "I was resurrected in a way of some sort." "How is that?" I asked. "Ender here collected a few items and made a wishing wand. He wished for me to come back to him." "At first I wanted to get rid of you Hawaii," he said under his breath. Liv shot him a dirty look. He aplogized and Liv continued. "And well now Im back!" "Cool.." I said kind of shaken up. "So what brings you here?" Ender asked. "Im uh heading back to visit my friends for a few days." "Oh cool!" Liv said excitedly, "Have fun!" "Thanks!" I said as I left. Finally, I jumped in the portal.

Ok so, I know I said I needed new charecters. Somebody said to include only staff. Lots of other people have staff in their stories. So my preferance would be new staff members, guests, or just regular members.

Re: The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 5
Post by: slimestein - April 5th, 2015, 9:33:59 am

I said include staff or members i never said only staff.

Great story!

Just join the server and take the first person you see and take them in your (awesome) story

Re: The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 5
Post by: KermitsBigToe - April 5th, 2015, 9:50:18 am

This story is getting better and better each chapter!
I cannot wait for the next chapter and I really liked how you gave emotion to what most of them were saying ( instead of a story where its so and so said this and then he said this, so its not full of said )

Also that was a really good cliffhanger at the end Id probably give this chapter a 10/10, its possibly one of my favourite Chapters yet!

Keep up the good work Hawaii! ^_^

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