The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 2

The Hidden Server - Book 2: Chapter 2
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 3rd, 2015, 4:33:10 pm

Chapter 2

Its been hours since Ieft the castle. The portal was just a few chunks away. But, I was getting hungry. I found a rock and sat on it. I got the food out of my bag and started to eat. After I ate, I wrote in my journal. When I finished I started walking. As I got closer to the portal, I noticed it wasnt glowing as normal. "It must be closed," I thought out loud. But when I got even closer than before, I saw it was a fake portal. "What?" I said totally confused. "What happened?!" I yelled. "It was obviously replaced," a voice said. "Who are you?" I said a bit scared. "Bob," he said, "Willbob." "Oh hello Willbob. Im Hawaii," "Nice to meet ya Hawaii," he said trying to act cool, "Where ya from?" "I live in the castle. With King Ender." "Interesting," Willbob said with a weird tone. "Well," I said trying to end the conversation, "I really need to get going." "See ya later," he said, then dissapeared.

Hey guys so I have already made the 1st 5 chapters. Ill post them all today

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