Why I havent Come On the Server.

Why I havent Come On the Server.
Post by: NekoTiffy - May 18th, 2015, 5:30:26 am

its been a while since ive been on the server but theres only one reason im not on it. a few of you know and a few of you dont so this is the reason;
i am currently in Rome right now but my trip started at;
-Paris, Milano-Italy, Florence-Italy, Venis-Italy, and Rome-Italy
Ive been travelling all over Italy for a vacation. but i do miss being on the server being with friends or just building and adding additions to peoples plot while helping them with building. i have come with some good news but also some madness; Good News: im coming back in about a week or so but thats only the top of my return it could be in 3-4 days is the least.

Re: Why I havent Come On the Server.
Post by: KermitsBigToe - May 18th, 2015, 6:56:36 am

Welcome back, Im excited to see you coming back to the server!

And wow that sounds like a really exciting vacation, be sure to tell us about it when the vacation is finished! ^^

Re: Why I havent Come On the Server.
Post by: Akiraff - May 19th, 2015, 1:15:42 pm

Over a month since I last login on the server. However I am up-to-date with all events currently happening on CubeBuilders. Planning to get on the server eventually.

SOS Member

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