DannyJ1's modded survival adventures: #2 A Whole new World

DannyJ1's modded survival adventures: #2 A Whole new World
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - April 7th, 2016, 8:51:25 pm

I loaded up the world and started a hunt for materials. The spawn was a plains next to the ocean. You know, in modded survival the ocean is very dangerous. Krakens, Sea vipers, Giant crabs, Sharks, JellyFish, Attack squids, all sorts of stuff. Idk which mod it was , but all tree trunks are round. I have a question for you guys. Should i build my house next to ocean? Or by a forest


Bad things
Good things
-Mob drops
-Nice view


Bad things
-Gatling skeletons
Good things

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