JPebble120 raids me of my beacon!

JPebble120 raids me of my beacon!
Post by: chumii - March 15th, 2016, 2:35:12 am

Today i was just playing skyblock when JPebble120 teleported to me (i accepted) and we were mining. so i was configuring with my ore generator's redstone and all the sudden i lose my beacon effect. JPebble is gone, and my beacon AND the piramid it was on dissapeared. He later admits he did it.
Jpebble tricked me and xxXEnder_LordXxx (He TPed to him and killed him) in unfair ways.

JPebble120 raids me of my beacon!
Post by: patman96 - July 2nd, 2016, 10:55:08 pm

Locking due to old thread. Sorry for the late reply!


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