ihateL4G killing cutelion99

ihateL4G killing cutelion99
Post by: Crumpet1112 - February 10th, 2015, 10:07:46 pm

hey cubebuilders,

we have a problem, there is a player by the name of ihateL4G who is being sort of a tyrant on skyblock, he kills everyone he sees, takes their stuff and raids their islands. he has killed me too many times to count and i have captured screenshots of him killing cutelion99, after she told him to stop.

thank you for reading this
a concerned minecrafter

Re: ihateL4G killing cutelion99
Post by: Livetabon - February 11th, 2015, 1:04:24 am

Thank you for reporting this, currently we are trying to disable PVP in skyblocks all together. Ill contact a mod + about this, please do not accept TPAs and I do hope she hides in spawn for a bit so her attacker cant grab anything else from her.

We cannot replace any items missing, but still raiding is NOT allowed and this slaughter of cutielion99 is clearly some sort of raid. Thank you very much for making the server a better place!


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