Introducing CubeTokens and the New CubeBuilders Store

Introducing CubeTokens and the New CubeBuilders Store
Post by: SiggiJG - January 17th, 2014, 6:05:38 am

Introducing CubeTokens and the New CubeBuilders Store - you can now purchase virtual goods with the CubeTokens!

The CubeTokens Store is opening with several Mob Spawners, Instant Food, and Tools. You can access the CubeTokens Store in-game by typing /cubetokens without teleporting away from your current location. To buy an item from the CubeTokens Store, simply take it out of the store and place it in your inventory. To see how many CubeTokens you have left, place your mouse on top of the diamond on the top left corner of the CubeTokens Store.

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