CubeBuilders Summer Discount

CubeBuilders Summer Discount
Post by: cookie_tiff - June 24th, 2014, 2:35:58 am

Hey there CubeBuilders!

To start off this amazing summer with not only your friends, but your CubeBuilder friends as well, there will be a 25% off on all donator packages, as well as all other items in the CubeBuilder store! So why not donate to this wonderful server, using this promo code: "SUMMERATCUBEBUILDERS"! (Must be in all caps, and dont include ") This code will expire July 5th, but still can be used on the day of July 5th.

As many of you plays know, CubeBuilders is at its finest. But that doesnt mean we dont have room to improve not only the society, but the whole picture of CubeBuilders. Now of course we will have not only the same players but new players as well, but also more of a remodel to CubeBuilders that everyone will enjoy!

Re: CubeBuilders Summer Discount
Post by: ChessNuts - June 25th, 2014, 11:53:29 am

What a coincidence. It expires on my birthday.

Re: CubeBuilders Summer Discount
Post by: Blackillz - July 25th, 2014, 11:40:32 pm

Nice. ;D ;)

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